Penance, First Eucharist, Confirmation

Sacraments for ChildrenThe reception of the Sacraments for Children
Sacraments are sacred encounters where we connect with our God in very special ways. Children learn that through these holy encounters they are growing closer to God who loves them and desires their friendship. This friendship increases in the child a sense of goodness and Christlikeness which reflects back to their membership in Christ through Baptism.

It is our greatest privilege and joy to partner with parents in preparing young children to receive their first Sacraments. Parents who actively practice their faith and participate in their child’s learning make the reception of a sacrament a true celebration and holy experience for themselves and for their child.

To be informed of what is required in their child’s preparation, and encouraged in their own spiritual lives, parents are brought together early in the child’s immediate preparation year. Notification of this meeting is given to parents in the fall of each year.

The following explains some of the requirements for the reception of the Sacraments of 1st Penance, 1st Eucharist, and Confirmation:

1st Penance
This Sacrament is received during a prayer service attended by parents and children. Children individually approach the priest for confession.
  • Must be baptized
  • Attending 2nd level or higher in PREP/Catholic School
  • Successfully complete one year of instruction in addition to the current year of immediate preparation
  • Shows interest in learning and growth in understanding concepts presented
  • Record of faithful attendance
1st Eucharist
Children receive their 1st Holy Communion during the 9:00 a.m. parish Mass on a designated Sunday.
  • Must be baptized
  • Attending 2nd level or higher in PREP/Catholic School
  • Successfully complete one year of instruction in addition to the current year of immediate preparation
  • Shows interest in learning and growth in understanding concepts presented
  • Record of faithful attendance
A bishop administers this Sacrament every two years at St. Gabriel Parish.  The next celebration of Confirmation will be in 2026.  (Grade level of candidates is 7th and 8th Grades.)

  • Must be baptized
  • Successfully completed a continuous program of instruction
  • Shows interest in learning and a desire to be confirmed
  • Fulfilled requirements specific to the program of study and demonstrates understanding of concepts presented
  • Record of faithful attendance


  • Baptized Catholic, 16 yrs. or older, Confirmed and has received Eucharist (i.e., a fully initiated Catholic)
  • Must present signed Sacramental Sponsorship Certificate showing eligibility from his/her parish of membership
  • May be a candidate’s Baptismal Godparent
  • May NOT be a parent of the candidate (may be grandparent)

Important Notes:

  1. Children who attend a Catholic School receive Sacrament preparation with their school class in the grade designated by the school they attend. When their instruction is completed, they will join their peers at SGSM parish, likewise prepared, for the reception of the Sacraments.
  1. Parents are asked to notify the PREP office if:
    • their school age child has not received the Sacrament of Baptism, or has been baptized in another Christian denomination
    • their baptized child is in grade 3 or older, and has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist or Penance
    • their baptized child is in grade 7 or older, and has not received the Sacraments of Eucharist, Penance, or Confirmation
    • their baptized child is out of sync with religious education, ie., they have missed one or more program years