Parish Organizations

Choir & Music Ministry
Mrs. Kathy Kulp (610)326-6547
Choir sings at the 4 pm Mass on Saturdays. Choir Practice is held on Tuesdays at 7:00 pm.

Senior Citizens
Mrs. Mary Lenhardt (610-326-7622)
The Senior Citizens Group meets on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 1:30 pm from September to June. December and June meetings are held at 12:00 pm.

Women’s Society
Mrs. Lori LaRosa (610) 326-6030  –  Women’s Society E-mail:
The Women’s Society meets on the 1st Thursday of each month at 7:00 pm. They organize various fund raisers for the parish.

Knights of Columbus
Gary Huster: (610) 385-6704
Men of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Parish are invited to join the Father Bally Council in Stowe. The parish is grateful to the Knights for their ongoing support.

Pastoral Council
Rev. Eugene Wilson (610) 326-5127

Members:  Maria Boyer, Patrick Griffin, Peter LaRosa,  Kathy Pennypacker, Deacon Ray Then

Finance Council
Rev. Eugene Wilson (610) 326-5127

Members:  Maria Boyer, Lewis Chillot, Kenneth George,  John Nester, Chris Pasik, Jack Bucciaglia, Deacon Ray Then, JoAnn O’Connor

Mr. Tony Vitacco (610) 327-1571

Altar Servers
Mr. Tony Vitacco (610) 327-1571

Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion
Rev. Eugene Wilson (610) 326-5127

Mrs. Kathy Bernhard (610) 326-5127