News / Events


BUS TRIP TO SIGHT & SOUND THEATRE TO SEE “NOAH” on Tuesday, April 1, 2025.  Cost:  $170.00 which includes motorcoach transportation, lunch, tax & gratuity for lunch, show and tip for bus driver.  Mark your calendars – make plans now to attend.  Contact Kathy at 610-326-5127 for reservations.  Reservations and payment due by February 17, 2025.


SANTINA KITCHEN GIFT CERTIFICATES are being sold by the Women’s Society.  Cost is $15.00.  Available at the Parish Office.


2023 ST. GABRIEL PARISH CHRISTMAS ORNAMENTS are now on sale.  Cost is $10.00 each.  We also have a limited number of 2022 ornaments left.  Purchase your ornaments at the Parish Office on weekdays.


PARISH APPAREL is now available.  T-shirts (small logo on upper left) – $10.  Hoodies (small logo on upper left) – $25.  1/4 Zip (small logo on upper left) – $35.  Men’s & Women’s Polo Shirts (small logo on upper left) – $25.  Current colors are Kelly Green and Sunburst Yellow.  Sizes S to XL – larger sizes available (just add $2) and youth sizes too.  Contact Maria Boyer ( to order any of the Parish Apparel.


CHURCH  MAGNETS are available at the Parish Office.  Cost is $5.00.  Promote our Parish by placing one on your car!


PARISH FUND RAISER:  We are selling Calendar Raffle Tickets based on the PA Evening Daily Number.  Winning ticket number must be the exact number drawn for the PA Evening Pick 3 (Daily Number).  Tickets are $5.00 each and are being sold monthly.  The prize for the winning number is $50.00 on weekdays and $100.00 on Sundays and one specially-designated weekday.  Tickets are available after the Masses on the weekends in the church vestibule and at the parish office on weekdays during regular business hours.  For more information or to purchase tickets, please call Kathy Bernhard at the parish office.


BVM SHRINE & ROSARY GARDEN FUND RAISING CAMPAIGN –  With the initial help of a donation from St. Gabriel Lodge and a commitment for repair work along with labor from the Knights of Columbus, Fr. Bally Council #1192, Stowe, we are well on our way.  Donations to help with this campaign may be sent to the church office or placed in the collection basket.  Checks payable to “St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Church.”


HAND-MADE BABY BLANKETS – St. Gabriel Women’s Society is selling hand-made baby blankets.  The cost is $10.00 each.  The blankets make a very nice gift for a baby shower gift or an additional something when giving a gift card to the new baby.  Assorted colors are available.  The blankets will be on sale throughout the year.  To purchase a blanket, call the parish office at 610-326-5127.


ESTATE PLANNING INFORMATION – See attachments.   OWM Letter     Estate Planning Questionnaire