Parish News

ARCHBISHOP PÉREZ’S PASTORAL LETTER AND INVITATION TO CONVERSATION ABOUT THE FUTURE OF THE CHURCH IN PHILADELPHIA – Archbishop Nelson J. Pérez released a pastoral letter, at the core of which is a call to a pastoral change of heart, a conversion to the lifestyle and mindset of a missionary disciple. The letter also shares with us the Archbishop’s vision for the future of the Church of Philadelphia and invitation to all Catholics to be a part of the conversation about what that will look like. To read the letter, watch the Archbishop’s video and sign up for a consultation session visit

AMERICAN RED CROSS BLOOD DRIVE  –   Monday March 3 and 17 from  2 – 7 pm.  Call 1-800-RED-CROSS to make an appointment

Santina’s Kitchen/Douglassville Cafe Gift Certificates are available in the parish office.  $15/each. 




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Mission Statement

We the members of St. Gabriel of the Sorrowful Mother Parish faith community believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior and head of our Church.
We accept His commission to love and serve God through prayer, study and celebration of the sacraments, especially Eucharist.
We accept His will to love our neighbor as ourselves through acts of charity, gracious stewardship of our gifts and talents, and welcoming the stranger.
We strive to imitate the example of our patron, St. Gabriel, who vowed each day to act in the most perfect way possible, desiring never to have even the smallest part of sin enter his soul.
We call upon the Holy Spirit to inspire us to be witnesses of gospel joy in a world of fragile peace and broken promises so that we may one day enter the home of the heavenly Father.